Saat Phere ki Hera Pherii is a comedy around the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Tandon (the 80's Couple), Mr. and Mrs. Desai (the 90'...
Audio Available in: Hindi
2 Seasons
Saat Phere ki Hera Pherii is a comedy around the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Tandon (the 80's Couple), Mr. and Mrs. Desai (the 90's Jodi), and Goldy (the Millenial), who are neighbours living in the Mumbai suburbs.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Saat Phere ki Hera Pherii is a comedy around the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Tandon (the 80's Couple), Mr. and Mrs. Desai (the 90'...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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