Set in the ancient city of Mathura, the story revolves around childhood sweethearts Yash and Richa who are about to get marri...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Set in the ancient city of Mathura, the story revolves around childhood sweethearts Yash and Richa who are about to get married. But, fortune strikes when Yash's grandfather discovers a curse in Yash's Kundali. Anyone who becomes Yash's first wife will die in 90 days. Richa's adopted sister Anjali steps up for Richa's rescue, unaware of the curse in Yash's Kundali. What will be destiny's play when Yash and Anjali get married? Watch this extraordinary story of love, fate, and sacrifice.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Set in the ancient city of Mathura, the story revolves around childhood sweethearts Yash and Richa who are about to get marri...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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