GG Ke PG is a funny show that revolves around a lady houseowner Gunjan Gill aka GG and her three male PGs Sameep Kothari, Bal...
Audio Available in: Hindi
GG Ke PG is a funny show that revolves around a lady houseowner Gunjan Gill aka GG and her three male PGs Sameep Kothari, Baldev Singh Hooda, and Varun Mishra - each belonging to different backgrounds. In this episode 'GG Ke Ghar Mein PG', watch how these three are interviewed by GG when she is allowing them to stay as paying guests in her house.
Audio Available in: Hindi
GG Ke PG is a funny show that revolves around a lady houseowner Gunjan Gill aka GG and her three male PGs Sameep Kothari, Bal...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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