Chalo Koi Baat Nahi is a sketch comedy show that takes a satirical look at the various issues and challenges encapsulating mo...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Chalo Koi Baat Nahi is a sketch comedy show that takes a satirical look at the various issues and challenges encapsulating modern India and how a citizen engages with them on a daily basis. Each episode focuses on a specific pillar of modern India such as media, sports, hospitals, education, railways, environment, etc, and through a mix of sketch, stand up and music gives hilarious insights into what makes Indians keep moving forward mouthing the adage 'koi baat nahi.'
Audio Available in: Hindi
Chalo Koi Baat Nahi is a sketch comedy show that takes a satirical look at the various issues and challenges encapsulating mo...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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