In a daring quest to rescue her missing daughter from the clutches of a dangerous drug world, a dedicated schoolteacher and m...
Audio Available in: Bengali
2 Seasons
In a daring quest to rescue her missing daughter from the clutches of a dangerous drug world, a dedicated schoolteacher and mother puts her reputation on the line. As she delves into the sinister narcotics underworld, she discovers shocking truths about her daughter and the perilous path she's taken. 'Tomar Meye Ki Kore' stars Madhura Velankar, Sanjay Mone, Harish Dudhade and Ashish Kulkarni.
Audio Available in: Bengali
In a daring quest to rescue her missing daughter from the clutches of a dangerous drug world, a dedicated schoolteacher and m...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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Tomar Meye Ki Kore