Starry Nights is a celebrity chat show hosted by popular trade analyst Komal Nahta. The show brings out the never-seen-before...
Audio Available in: English
Starry Nights is a celebrity chat show hosted by popular trade analyst Komal Nahta. The show brings out the never-seen-before hilarious, witty and unique personality of celebrities. The starry line up of guests includes some of the biggest names of Bollywood such as Aamir Khan, Karan Johar, Hrithik Roshan, Anushka Sharma, Alia Bhatt, Anil Kapoor, Vidya Balan and many more.
Audio Available in: English
Starry Nights is a celebrity chat show hosted by popular trade analyst Komal Nahta. The show brings out the never-seen-before...
Audio Available in: English
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