Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs 2011 is a Hindi singing reality show which is hosted by Jay Soni. In the show, 18 contestants are c...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs 2011 is a Hindi singing reality show which is hosted by Jay Soni. In the show, 18 contestants are chosen based on the auditions, including nine girls and nine boys. The participants are divided into three teams. Judges Adnan Sami, Kailash Kher and Javed Ali guide their respective teams and judge them based on their talent.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs 2011 is a Hindi singing reality show which is hosted by Jay Soni. In the show, 18 contestants are c...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs 2011