Phulpakhru is a Marathi drama television series starring Hruta Durgule, Yashoman Apte and Prasad Oak. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Phulpakhru is a Marathi drama television series starring Hruta Durgule, Yashoman Apte and Prasad Oak. The story revolves around Vaidehi, daughter of industrialist Raosaheb. Vaidehi is raised to be an independent girl and has the right to choose her course, friends, etc. The show takes you through the journey of this young and independent girls dreams and ambitions.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Phulpakhru is a Marathi drama television series starring Hruta Durgule, Yashoman Apte and Prasad Oak. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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