‘Kichi Gapa Kichi Gita is an Odia musical show comprising 12 renowned artists - singers, music directors, composers and actor...
Audio Available in: Oriya
‘Kichi Gapa Kichi Gita is an Odia musical show comprising 12 renowned artists - singers, music directors, composers and actors. They will share their memories about specific songs that they have sung, directed, created or acted in. The songs range from classical to modern, along with some never-seen-before moments, which will recreate the magic woven by Odishas greatest artists.
Audio Available in: Oriya
‘Kichi Gapa Kichi Gita is an Odia musical show comprising 12 renowned artists - singers, music directors, composers and actor...
Audio Available in: Oriya
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Kichi Gapa Kichi Gita