Hitler Didi is a Hindi drama television series starring Rati Pandey, Sumit Vats, Shruti Bisht and Rituraj Singh. At a very yo...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Hitler Didi is a Hindi drama television series starring Rati Pandey, Sumit Vats, Shruti Bisht and Rituraj Singh. At a very young age Indira Sharma becomes the bread winner of her family and takes up all the responsibilities. She comes across as a strict disciplinarian but is kind hearted. Indira falls in love with Rishi but faces challenges even in her love life.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Hitler Didi is a Hindi drama television series starring Rati Pandey, Sumit Vats, Shruti Bisht and Rituraj Singh. At a very yo...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Hitler Didi